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This manual describes the movements and procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, and parades. It implements AFPD 36-22, Military Training. This manual is for general use throughout the US Air Force and is a guide for persons teaching, learning, or participating in drill and ceremonies. (See AFR 900 It describes the movements and procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, and parades. This manual is for general use throughout the US Air Force and Read "Air Force Manual AFMAN 36-2203 Drill and Ceremonies" by United States Government US Air Force available from Rakuten Kobo. This manual describes the Air Force Manual AFMAN 36-2203 Drill and Ceremonies (9781490513379) by US Air Force, United States Government and a great selection of similar Air Force Manual AFMAN 36-2203 Drill and Ceremonies [US Air Force, United States Government] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Air Force Drill. Manual of the Guidon on all preparatory commands with the following exceptions: Parade Rest, Flight Attention, Present Arms/Order Arms,and expands on Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 36-2203, Drill and Ceremonies, to provide further guidance and procedures for use by CAP airmen in CAP venues.
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